Sunday, April 22, 2012

A Few Thoughts...

I'm 23 weeks into my pregnancy (entering my 6th month) and maybe just maybe I am getting my cooking mojo back.  This weekend I baked a delicious cinnamon swirl pound cake that could pass for dessert or breakfast, last night we enjoyed a homemade sausage pizza with fresh mozzarella, and tonight I'm making spaghetti.  I'm on a roll, people!

I have a few recipes to share and I'll have them written and posted as soon as I can stop napping and watching Oprah's Next Chapter on DVR.  For now, here's what's been on my mind...

1.  I decided to try alcohol-free wine.  I enjoy having a glass of wine with some meals and I know that wine is an absolute no-no during pregnancy (and I'm okay with that).  Today I bought some Fre Merlot (made by Sutter Home).  Well... it tastes like... um... watered down wine mixed with grape juice.  It'll do with my spaghetti dinner tonight, but I'm not sure I'd buy it again.

2.  I've been eating takeout/fast food/chain restaurant meals more than I care to admit.  My family has been so patient with my finicky appetite and strange cravings and I really appreciate it.  Despite my strange diet, my pregnancy is progressing in a healthy way and I'm feeling pretty good.  I try to drink plenty of water and I'm eating small portions (mostly because my appetite is still pretty low).

3.  I would like to go on a babymoon.  I know it's corny, but I'd love for my husband and I to have one last weekend trip before our new family member arrives in August.  The problem at the moment is that we're both so busy with work that we won't be able to spare the time until my third trimester.  Any suggestions for weekend getaways in the Mid-Atlantic area?

4.  We finally replaced our 15 year-old carpet (the only remaining areas were on the steps and in the bedrooms).  Between the new carpet and the new paint I feel like we're living in a new home.  Now I feel ready to start working on the nursery!

I've got to finish dinner (I'm sure both the dogs and my husband are confused and surprised that I'm even in the kitchen), but I'll be back soon with a few recipes.


  1. Oh I miss taking naps :-)

    I remember when I got bursts of energy and was able to get back in the kitchen. Then afterwards I was so exhausted. haha! Take it easy and share your goodies when you can.

    Can't wait to see pics of the nursery!

  2. I support the babymoon to the fullest!! I absolutely love The Inn at Perry Cabin in St. Michaels, MD. Check them out - We've been twice and I'm itching to go again.

    Naps are heavenly, so keep getting in as many as you can. Glad to hear that you are feeling better.

  3. Glad to see you're getting your mojo back. I'm hoping mine will make an appearance now that I'm done with competition training. But in the meantime, I have quite a backlog of dishes to post.

  4. First congrats on your pregnancy :) I went on a babymoon and loved it, it was actually to disneyworld, where me and the hubs got engaged.


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